Pursuant to applicable legal requirements and in accordance with its commitments to lenders and shareholders, the company monitors and keeps records of environmental impact indicators and duly submits reports on its activities in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources (environmental reporting).
Environmental reporting is a sequential process of collecting, processing and analysing data. For this purpose, the company has developed and applies a unified system, which includes the electronic Environmental Reporting System (ERS) and Waste Monitoring System (WMS) modules.
The information basis of the ERS module is the Plant Information (PI) System, which is used by all units of the company.
Most of the information is supplied to the PI System fr om the Distributed Control System (DCS) module, the tasks of which include collecting data from various types of measuring elements (flow meters, level gauges, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, operating time chronometric devices, etc.). Part of the data about the volumes of water intake and wastewater discharge are entered into the system manually.
Information on laboratory analyses of wastewater and natural water is stored and processed in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), the data from which are also automatically supplied to the PI, wh ere the masses of pollutant discharges into water bodies and air emissions are calculated in accordance with approved procedures. The data obtained are the basis for record-keeping logs and environmental reporting, containing numerical indicators.
The movement of waste is tracked from the moment it is generated to its final disposal, recycling or decontamination. In order to arrange the removal of waste from the company’s facilities, the Global Logistics Management System (GLMS) was supplemented with the Waste Management Module (WMM). This module is designed as a fully integrated web-based logistics application, which is used for the planning and scheduling of waste movement, as well as monitoring the process. For each waste shipment, a Waste Transfer Form (manifest) with a unique number is generated in the GLMS WMM module. This document is mandatory for the removal and disposal of waste.
To keep waste movement logs and fill in mandatory reporting forms, as well as to control key waste management indicators, the company has implemented the Waste Monitoring System (WMS) module, which receives data from the GLMS WMM module.
In addition to mandatory environmental reporting, information on the company’s activities in environmental protection and environmental safety is requested by shareholders, federal and regional ministries, and other stakeholders.
Environmental monitoring and reporting data are the basis for analysing the company’s environmental performance and making management decisions.
The use of the integrated approach to the implementation of the monitoring and management system, as well as organisational and technical measures enables the company to minimise negative impact on the environment and maintain a leading position among the oil and gas industry enterprises.
Since 2014, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) of Russia and CREON Group, the provider of advisory services to oil and energy industries, in partnership with the National Rating Agency and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have compiled the Environmental Transparency Rating of 20 top Russian oil and gas companies. Sakhalin Energy’s environmental activities have been highly estimated each year, and the company was the leader of the rating in 2016–2019.